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Why your pelvic floor problem won't just go away

I've worked with and talked to a number of clients and friends with pelvic floor dysfunction: male, female, young, old, pregnant, never been pregnant, postnatal, athletes, runners, rowers, weightlifters.

And, for all sorts of symptoms: pudendal nerve entrapment, sneeze wee, urge incontinence, prolapse, pre-prolapse surgery and post-prolapse surgery.

Often, by the time clients have come to see me, they've suffered with the pain, discomfort and the unexpected embarrassment of the condition for a long time.

I actually love talking about the pelvic floor in a frank and open way.

How else could I not, doing what it is I do?

My approach to pelvic floor rehab is different to the norm, but that's actually why I like it.

And, if you've only ever been prescribed "squeeze and release" traditional exercises to your pelvic floor...

....and, some weeks you do your exercises diligently...

...other weeks you forget...

How long have you had your problem "down below"?

Three months? Three years? Thirteen years?

Have you been doing your exercises all that time?

Noticing a bit of an improvement, but not much of one?

Well, maybe now is a good time to take a different tack, because potentially what you've been doing up to now isn't having the same impact it once had.

Will your pelvic floor problem go away all on its own?

Well, that depends.

Do the adverts on telly that almost normalise sneeze wee as "oops moments" annoy the heck out of me?


Laughing and leaking isn't supposed to happen, ok?

I'm on a quest to reach out to more women with problems "down there", and when I mentioned "13 years of suffering" above, I was actually underestimating that...

...because several clients come to me with children as old as 21, so you can't tell me traditional pelvic floor exercises have done a great deal to assist some women, huh?

They say "time heals", and in some cases it does, but I think "the time is now" when it comes to pelvic floor weakness.

If you're not able to do the same types of exercises you once were able to like running and many of the movements in a circuit classes for example - help is needed.

Does the thought of jumping on a trampoline at a children's party fill you with dread - your pelvic floor is now affecting your life, isn't it?

Would you like to learn a series of exercises that you can do simply and easily at home, in a standing, upright position, with no boring engaging of your pelvic floor?

Because this is what I do.

Next to no equipment is required, and dare I say that many clients that I work with have actually enjoyed the exercises I set them in session 1, because they're simple, easy to do anywhere, anytime, and in a lot of cases - they feel instant relief.

Want to learn more about your body and why you feel discomfort more so on some days than others throughout your week?

Are you open to the idea that there may be movements you're doing incorrectly in your day-to-day life like lifting and carrying, that are applying incorrect loads down on your pelvic floor, and that's why sometimes you leak and other times you don't?

Small changes to your lifestyle. Education about how to move better. Light bulb moments.

This is what "Your Pelvic Matters" is all about!

It's a very different approach, with a long-term result. Contact me TODAY for more info at

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